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  Archived Posts From: 2014


Monitor Conditions Live, Online

Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert MessagesWeather Related Notices

Learn the latest road conditions, and see them via Web cam. Visit


US Route 301 Archaeology Update

Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Archaeology UpdatesUS301

To help share the details from the excavation of the Houston-LeCompt site and the general history of Delaware, Dovetail Cultural Resources Group has been working on creating two different exhibitions: one will focus on the Houston-LeCompt site itself, and the second will be a general historic artifact traveling display.

Excavations at the Houston LeCompt Site

Excavations at the Houston LeCompt Site

Historic Artifact Display

Historic Artifact Display

Utilizing artifacts from the Phase I, II, and III excavations, the Houston-LeCompt exhibit will tell the story of those that lived on the site and how the use of the land changed over time.  Dovetail will utilize conserved and mended artifacts, field photos, and artistic renderings to show how archaeologists understand the larger context of the site. The exhibit will be housed in the Smyrna Rest Area to allow the traveling public and local residents to view the remains. The second exhibition will be a traveling historic artifact display.  This display will not focus on one site, but rather will be used to educate audiences on general archaeology in Delaware.  The design of the exhibit will be portable, allowing various members of the DelDOT staff to bring the exhibit to schools, conferences, and other locales to showcase historic artifacts from Delaware. Dovetail staff is also developing a brochure that supports the display and offers additional information on the history of the state.


DelDOT Pretreating Kent / Sussex

Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert MessagesWeather Related Notices

In advance of rain, snow and ice tonight, DelDOT is now pretreating roads in Kent and Sussex. It is completing pretreatment in New Castle.
