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Written on: January 3rd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Elkton Road, Ellendale, Georgetown, I-95, I-95 Delaware Toll Plaza, I95/SR1 Interchange, Indian River Inlet Bridge, Kent, Milford, Millsboro, New Castle, Railroad Crossings, Route 1, Route 26, Route 40, Route 54, Safety, Sussex, US113, US301, Weather Related Notices
As of 12:20 a.m., Delaware roads are covered with snow as deep as four inches in parts of New Castle and as little as half an inch in parts of Sussex. All DelDOT snow-removal crews are busy, plowing snow and spreading salt on primary roads, secondary roads, bridges and bus routes.
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
As snow falls throughout Delaware, drivers should avoid unnecessary travel. But, if you must drive, the AAA advises that drivers take these precautions:
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
DelDOT is plowing snow and salting primary and secondary roads in New Castle County. Primary roads there are wet, while secondary and minor roads are snow-covered. Full crews are at work in New Castle. DelDOT is salting primary roads and bridges in Kent County. All roads there are wet. Full crews are at work in Kent. The department is monitoring roads in Sussex County. Roads there are wet. Full crews are expected to begin work on Sussex roads at about 10 p.m.
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
A Winter Storm Warning is now in effect in New Castle County and will remain in effect until 1 p.m., Friday. According to the National Weather Service, four-to-six inches of snow are expected in the county. A Winter Weather Advisory is now in effect in Kent and Sussex counties and will remain effect until 1 p.m., Friday. According to the National Weather Service, four-to-six inches of snow are expected to fall in Kent, and two-to-four inches of snow are expect to fall in Sussex. One-to-two inches of snow are expected to fall in the southernmost part of the state and in areas near the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean. Gusts of wind up to 35 mph might cause drifting snow and cover roadways.
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
DelDOT crews in New Castle and Kent expect to begin responding to winter weather about 4 p.m. Crews in Sussex will be on-call all night. #stormDE
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
Learn the latest road conditions, and see them via Web cam. Visit www.deldot.gov/information/travel_advisory/
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Archaeology Updates, US301
To help share the details from the excavation of the Houston-LeCompt site and the general history of Delaware, Dovetail Cultural Resources Group has been working on creating two different exhibitions: one will focus on the Houston-LeCompt site itself, and the second will be a general historic artifact traveling display.
Excavations at the Houston LeCompt Site
Utilizing artifacts from the Phase I, II, and III excavations, the Houston-LeCompt exhibit will tell the story of those that lived on the site and how the use of the land changed over time. Dovetail will utilize conserved and mended artifacts, field photos, and artistic renderings to show how archaeologists understand the larger context of the site. The exhibit will be housed in the Smyrna Rest Area to allow the traveling public and local residents to view the remains. The second exhibition will be a traveling historic artifact display. This display will not focus on one site, but rather will be used to educate audiences on general archaeology in Delaware. The design of the exhibit will be portable, allowing various members of the DelDOT staff to bring the exhibit to schools, conferences, and other locales to showcase historic artifacts from Delaware. Dovetail staff is also developing a brochure that supports the display and offers additional information on the history of the state.
Written on: January 2nd, 2014 in Alert Messages, Weather Related Notices
In advance of rain, snow and ice tonight, DelDOT is now pretreating roads in Kent and Sussex. It is completing pretreatment in New Castle.