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  Archived Posts From: 2012


Route 54 Project – Updates

Written on: May 18th, 2012 in Route 54

5/18/2012 – You may have noticed a delay on Route 54 near Bayville Shopping Center today.   The contractor is doing some minor milling at the entrance to Bayville Shopping Center.  This milling had to be done today, as we continue to make progress on meeting our deadline of Memorial Day.  The contractor needed their milling machine for another project, and wanted to work on Route 54 to get done before they took the machine to the other job.  We apologize for the inconvenience.   While we are trying to minimize any future impact to motorists or businesses, there are things like this that come up at a moment’s notice that must be addressed.

We have been advised this was a short-duration job, and the work has been completed and the roadway is now open in both directions.


Route 54 Project – Updates

Written on: May 18th, 2012 in Route 54

5/17/2012 – Crews continue to battle the weather as work continues to complete paving of the turn lanes and entrances on the westbound lanes.  Paving work began Thursday in the eastbound direction for turn lanes and side streets.  On Friday, May 18, paving work is expected to be performed in the entrance to North Bay Marina (westbound SR 54), as well as on the turn lanes and entrances in the eastbound direction.  The entrance to the gas station and the shopping center with Mio Fratella’s are scheduled to be paved on Friday as well.  Turn lane paving should be able to be accommodated with lane shifts on SR 54, while entrance work will have some impacts as only half of an entrance will be available at a time.

For this weekend, paving work is scheduled for Saturday, May 19.  Work is expected to take place in turn lanes and side streets.  We plan to avoid business entrances on Saturday.  The one possible exception is the entrance to the shopping center with the Mio Fratella restaurant.  We have agreed to only work until 11 am in that entrance.  If the full entrance cannot be completed by 11 am Friday the 18th, we will finish the other half on Saturday morning before 11 am.  Turn lane paving should be able to be accommodated with lane shifts on SR 54, while entrance work will have some impacts as only half of an entrance will be available at a time.

Looking to next week, the contractor should finish any remaining paving of the eastbound turn lanes, entrances and driveways off of Route 54 early in the week. 

Concrete sidewalk, curb ramp and driveway work on the westbound lanes is nearing completion. Once the westbound side is completed, the concrete driveway work on the eastbound lanes will begin.  Final pavement striping, electrical work, topsoiling, seeding, and clean-up work will continue through Wednesday or Thursday of next week. 

Prior to the Memorial Day weekend the contractor will remove as many barrels and construction materials as possible.  However, it is noted that not all signs and barrels will be removed, because the contractor will return after Memorial Day to complete some items.  We don’t believe this work will require lane closures, but will provide notification if this is not the case.

DelDOT believes that all lanes and shoulders should be completed and in final configuration by May 23, 2012, thus allowing DelDOT to reach the goal of substantial completion by Memorial Day weekend. 
